
To be the region’s premier organization for professionals specializing in healthcare facilities management.


The Kansas City Area Healthcare Engineers (KCAHE) is committed to excellence in maintaining and improving on the environment of care in healthcare facilities by promoting education, networking, and leadership for its membership.

KCAHE plans to achieve our mission by practicing the following objectives:

  • Providing educational content at our general membership meetings to expand our knowledge base regarding best business practices for those who are responsible for compliance with laws, regulations, and standards established by agencies governing our healthcare environment.

  • Participation between the vendor and healthcare members to encourage the transfer of services, knowledge, and relationships to the benefit of all members.

  • Provide activities that encourage networking among members in an environment that will promote fun and the health of our members.

  • Encouraging volunteerism of time, energy, and resources within the organization to assure KCAHE’s longevity, viability, and recognition as a professional organization.